Wellness Topics


"Michaiel's presence in the world
demonstrates the
lost art of
compassion with its profound wisdom."

- Michael Cronin, London England (1993)

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"Michaiel has a gift of clear communication which is able to reach the individual at their level of understanding. It's not everyone who can speak to the newcomer AND the 'seasoned student' effectively at the same time!"
- Anne-Marie Acacio, 2001 (Unity Center Director) 

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Click Here to read more praises

Michaiel Patrick Bovenes
is the Founder of Soul-utions for Moving Beyond Struggle Wellness. He is an inspirational wellness and personal empowerment speaker, and mindfulness teacher, and modern mystic. He has a popular series of speaking topics for corporate classes, intimate workshops and life-changing events.

From 1997 he has spoken at many Unity and Science of Mind centers, health spas, cruise ships, and wellness centers. He currently teaches Soul-utions Wellness programs within the progressive corporate and medical environments. He also offers various online guided meditation, wellness, mindfulness and personal enrichment classes to eager audiences at special events throughout the US, Europe, and Canada.

To schedule Michaiel for your next event
contact us at info@soul-utions.com

Wellness & Mindfulness Topics:

(Review some live class excerpts, articles and podcasts below)

Most of Soul-utions Wellness topics below can be taught in various formats
Corporate Lunch & Learn • Wellness Keynotes • Zoom Online Classes

Email info@soul-utions.com for course descriptions

- 5 Wellness Strategies to Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia
- Activating Your Mind to Create Positive Change in Your Life
- Allowing More Love & Greater Intimacy into Your Life
- Awakening Your Purpose & Inner Power
- Awakening Your Spiritual Self
- Art of Going Within: How to Meditate & Relax in Minutes
- Balance & Harmony: Keys to Personal Peace
- Becoming Your Empowered Self
Building & Forging Solid Self-Esteem  (Listen to excerpts now)
- Creating a Life Worth Living! (Weekend Intensive)
- Creating Personal Peace in a World of Chaos & Anxiety
- Consciously Creating Success & Abundance in Your Life
Deepening Your Awareness, Connection & Acceptance of Yourself
  (Click on title to listen to excerpts online)
Discovering Your Self-Worth & Developing Self-Respect 
  (Click on title to listen to excerpts online)
- Destiny: Discovering Your Path of Light  (Listen to Podcast)
- Developing Emotional Intelligence & Compassion
Get Unstuck: Free Yourself for Personal Change (Read Article)
- Holistic Wellness: Moving From Illness into Wellness
- How to Deepen Your Connection With Others
- Igniting Your Intuition: Inner Guidance for Outer Success
Magic and Miracles of Self-Love (Listen to excerpts online)
- Making Trustworthy Decisions
- Mindfulness Meditation as Medicine
- Moving Beyond Struggle (Weekend Intensive • Coming Summer of 2020)
- Moving Forward: Freedom From the Past
- Overcoming Resistance to Change
- Personal Metamorphosis: Creating Exponential Positive Change
- Reclaiming Your Lost Power
- Relaxation Meditation: How to Relax & Feel Great in Minutes
- Transform Your Personal Anxiety & Fear into Greater Love
- Utilizing Your Inner Strength, Power & Spiritual Gifts
- Waking the Wellness Mindset




New Mini-Video Course   How to Change Limiting Beliefs •

Mini-Course on How to Change Limiting Beliefs

🌟 Rewrite Your Destiny: Say Goodbye to Limiting Beliefs in Less Than 60 Minutes! 🌟

Are you tired of feeling stuck and held back by limiting beliefs? Do you yearn to tap into the immense power of the Law of Attraction and manifest the life you truly deserve?  How to break out of the prison of limiting beliefs to create positive and permanent change fast. Your journey towards ultimate empowerment begins right here!

🚀 Unleash Your Mind’s Power - With Our Belief Changing Video Course 🚀

Welcome to a groundbreaking mini-course designed exclusively for metaphysical, spiritual, and Law of Attraction students like you. In less than 60 minutes, you'll embark on a profound inner shift that will revolutionize the way you attract abundance, success, and fulfillment!

🌈 Discover the Magic of Your Mind 🌈

This transformative course is your key to unlocking the limitless potential within you. Bid farewell to those self-imposed limitations that have held you back for far too long. Through expertly crafted techniques, I will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you shed the chains of doubt and negativity.

Special Offer
(Reg. Price $27)

Questions? Contact Michaiel